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Happy Birthday To Me (dirty 30 edition)

Wow, I can’t even believe that I’m here writing this. 3 decades of my life have literally flashed before my eyes. It’s kind of bittersweet actually.

My twenties have been filled with some of the best (and even worst) memories of my life. From heartbreak, children, purchasing my first home and car, my dream job and even winning a Southern Conference Championship in college, I’ve experienced A LOT in the past 10 years.

29 was especially a growing year for me. Divorce, becoming a single mom, baptism, and most importantly, learning to lean on God have been some of the things that have occurred. And what I’m most proud of is that I took all of this with a postive attitude and came out better than before. I have truly been blessed in more ways than one. I learned to trust in God even when the picture wasn’t so perfect. That after the rain comes the rainbow. I’ve also been very fortunate to weed out the people I didn’t need in my life while gaining some friendshipd that I will forever cherish!

So as I say goodbye to my twenties, I want to thank them for the memories, for bettering me as a person and for showing me that the best has yet to come! Thirties….I look forward to applying the lessons learned in my twenties and making this the BEST decade of my life!

Happy Birthday to Me!







1 Comment

  1. Jin

    March 2, 2014 at 9:14 pm

    I can’t believe that we are turning thirty this year….time has passed so fast.
    You are truly an inspiration to me. I hope that I can continue to weather the storm with a positive attitude and trust that although things don’t look clear, God has a plan for me. I’m alive and it could be worse.
    I happy belated Birthday doll….this year is going to be amazing!


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