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The Importance Of 27

Why is the 27th so important (besides being one of my lucky numbers)? It means that we are exactly 2 months shy of my 30th birthday and 4 days left before we close out 2013. What a blessing this year has been! So many lessons learned, gains and losses, good times and the bad (but waaaaaaay more good)! Thankful for it every step of the way!

I hope that you all are enjoying the holidays and remembering to put God and family before everything. Enjoy the moments that you are given now,  savor them, and remember to thank Him for those moments at the end of each day!

As we begin to exit 2013, I can only be proud of the person I’ve become! 29 was truly a year in which my faith in God was tested more than it ever had been and I am thankful to have been able to come up for air!

Wishing you and your family a Happy Friday and a great last weekend of 2013!




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